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Миний блогоор зочилсон


  If someone asks me what I want to do for the future, I would say “I want to do whatever it takes to make all the human beings healthy”. I am not a doctor, but my plan is to make sure I do the necessary things to make the children environment both safe and healthy. It seems that our next generation that will supersede us might always be connected with bribery and other miserable stuff to be healthy or to give birth to their children. My sister gave birth to her child, and I became an uncle.  My sister gave presents, cash and other bribery-related stuff to the doctors and the midwives just to make sure the labor goes as planned. And according to my observation, pregnant women always give presents, cash, and other stuff that could be considered bribery to the midwives and doctors just to have a healthy, safe labor. The situation we have here shows us how corrupted and messed up the health administration is. Pregnant women believe that they might have a delivery problem if they don’t bribe the doctors.

        My nephew is 3 years old now. Every year, I and my family catch a cold. I fear that everybody considers it as a normal thing. When we go to the hospital, the doctors prescribe us the same medicine and give us the same medicines. And because of a long-term intake of the same medicine again, I became allergic to it and got very sick. Today, I have a powerful allergy of medicines that have amoxicillin in their compounds. I was not the only one who has been the victim of such broken system. If we observe meticulously the system we have here, we can see that almost half of teens have different types of allergy. And it seems like sneezing through all the 4 seasons is a normal thing. I don’t want my nephew to be sick and grow up to be someone like me. I want all the teens and the infants who live in the same condition like mine to be health and avoid infectious diseases like influenza.

          I believe that if we try, we can always prevent the children from serious diseases. In 2015, right after my sister gave birth, I became a member of the team that was assigned to prepare a presentation and wrote an article about social welfare in Mongolia. I was glad that I and my team members made a presentation to the Japan committee of UNICEF on behalf of all children in Mongolia. Students who were in my team gave the same presentation to the UNICEF in Swiss second time in Geneva. After the giving of the presentation, UNICEF gave a piece of advice to the government of Mongolia.
In this advice, the UNICEF actually warned the government of Mongolia that they should give more attention of children’s welfare. UNICEF stated that there is still a risk to the safety of Mongolian children’s environment and their health that 5-year olds are exposed to the danger of burns and scalding, traffic accidents. And they also mentioned that these kids get injured while riding competition horses on national holidays and festivals and their right to live in a safe condition is greatly violated. And looking backwards, I think that I actually did something beneficent to my nephew’s future. Perhaps, it is the biggest contribution I have ever made to my nephew. However, I still have this desire to plan and organize a project for the welfare of the children. In the beginning of 2017, with the partnership of “Save the Children” international NGO, we made a research named “Young Voice”. During the research work of schools in districts Chingeltei and Khailaast, I was awfully reminded of War Movie scenes. I was so worried about the children’s safety that I almost cried. It was so hard to walk outside that my eyes got sore. I hoped it would be over when I get inside, but it was the same as walking outside.
           Although the windows of those schools were closed, I still wondered why there was still smoke in the air.  The school kitchen was frying Russian dumpling (piroshky) in a dirty pan full of used oil. It seemed as if the students got used to the smell. It was hard to think about the fact students actually come here and spend 30 hours a week, trying to pay attention to their teachers. That’s why I learned from my experience that I should study hard enough to make a change and do something good for the next generation. Even though I am in my sophomore year, I am trying my best to be a good intern at “World Vision International” to pursue my career in Child Protection and Social Work.
           All in all, I’d like to finish my essay with my purpose, and that is in the next couple of years, I want to graduate from my University well enough to do good work and draw an attention of Mongolian Government and other International Organizations to living condition of children in Mongolia. I want not only an attention, but also a change in our society; I’d like to make a difference. I am not going to be a politician, but it is obvious that I will be a brother and someday a father, who will be worried about the children that I care about. I want to be a good one who cares about not just his children, but the other ones who are in need.

Altanbayar Altankhuyag


  1. Great job. Although there is a few mistakes that you should be aware of in your next essay, I want to say that your writing is so much better than many people whom I am honored to call classmates of my college years. Even though You hadn't have same opportunities that I got, I must say that your writing is even better than my own poor scribbling. I and many others had great opportunity to acquire English in native like surroundings courtesy of our college, but i want you to know that you did better than many of us ever hoped to achieve. :)


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